This is no ordinary episode
guide, it contains a synopsis of each episode but also critiques and other
unique observations and designations.
Season 5 |
Critique: I don't know what I think about this one, it's OK I guess, it makes me realize why the show was cancelled, it takes more than mediocrity to really succeed. C
Ridiculous Moment: Interloper Tony is of course planned as an unwelcome addition to Laura and Steele's relationship to make it more interesting? Gleason, are you high? That might have worked two seasons ago, at this point it's an unwelcome addition for audiences too. Gleason mistakenly thought having Laura and Steele consummate their relationship would only sink the show. That's actually a myth of television, this show has solid stories and could have held up, Moonlighting's best ratings came the season after they did it, and there were a litany of other reasons it eventually tanked. I don't think Gleason ever really realized it was really over after they got cancelled. I think he delusionaly thought his show would get picked up for a sixth season and instead of doing a great 3 movie final send off he was trying to set up for nonexistent future seasons.
80's Flashback: I knew it had to happen eventually but it doesn't make it any easier to actually see it...Laura...with...a...perm. Oh 80's! Girls, we all had that perm, and the horrible bangs that go with it, and we all look back in horror. What's funny is that it looks so bad in the show but there are a couple of really cute perm pics at the bottom of the picture page, she must have tamed it after the series.
Alias: Tracy Lord BTW- first and only time Laura ever calls Steele "Remington" CALL SHEET for this episode
(shot at)
Critique: It's so painful to see that guy in the opening sequence. Go away! You don't belong on this show! Actually the couple of scenes where he and Steele are going toe to toe over Laura are really great, again this would have been a great story arc a season or 2 ago. As part one of a 2 parter it's not as good as it's second half since it's mostly setup. B- I wonder if it's a coincidence that this episode's acronym is S.H.I.T.
Ridiculous Moment: This is only ridiculous on a personal level, but it's ridiculous the glee it gives me whenever they say "Mrs. Steel", I'm such a total girl, it's embarrassing. I can't help it, it's in the DNA. I don't want to giggle every time but I can't help myself, somehow I don't think I'm alone on this one.
Back Story: In Hong Kong 5 years ago with Shannon, Alias: Douglas
(shot at) LS
Critique: Since this show is really all about Laura and Steele as the "A" story and the mystery is delegated to kind of "B" story status it can only mean good stuff and an... A-
Alias: Trevor Keach
Critique: It's hard to concentrate on the Russian spy plot that seems to run around in circles just to kill time, seems like this could have been one hour instead of two. It's a shame this is the last one but most finales don't live up to the series they finish. C
Ridiculous Moment: Laura's beret was so weird, is this France or Ireland?
Back Story: Steele learns the identity of his father as Daniel who was in prison when he was born after his mother died in childbirth. He found him again when he was 14, after he caught Harry picking his pocket.
89 episodes, 2 movies
11 20 17 L 12 S 15 12
SHOT AT 36 OTHER 39 but actual injuries- Laura 3(hospital twice and ankle), Steele 7 (hospital once, leg x3, ribs x2, ankle 1)
28 13 10
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5